Hello and thank you for using Aria Business HTML Landing Page Template. Aria is an HTML landing page template built with Bootstrap featuring morphtext, text slider, grid filtering, lightbox details, count-to numbers, call request and contact form.

Built with Bootstrap 4, HTML5, CSS3, PHP and JavaScript it will help you achieve your online marketing goals in a beautiful and efficient manner.

Frameworks and toolkits used: Bootstrap 4, Popper, jQuery, jQuery Easing, Validator, Isotope, Magnific Popup, Swiper, CountTo

You can edit the template's Html, Css, Php, Js files with your preferred text and code editor: Notepad++, Visual Code, Sublime or any other...

For image editing you can use Adobe Photoshop or any other graphic editor of your choice.


Documentation - is the folder of this help file.
Web - contains the html, css, js and php files of the template.

Web folder includes index.html file which you will use to open the template. Besides index.html, you will also find the following folders:

  • Css - Bootstrap, Font Awesome, Magnific Popup, Swiper and the template's custom stylesheet styles.css
  • Images - Images used throughout the template including the favicon and logo
  • Js - JavaScript files for Bootstrap, Popper, jQuery, jQuery Easing, Magnific Popup, Swiper, Validator and Aria's custom scripts: scripts.js
  • Php - PHP script files for the contact forms
  • Webfonts - Font Awesome files


You can find your own images while checking out the following free online sources:

Images sources

Images are mostly from

Changing The Logo

- Place your image file in the images folder
- Open for editing index.html
- Find Navbar section
- Here find this line of code:

<a class="navbar-brand logo-image" href="index.html"><img src="images/logo.svg" alt="alternative"></a>

- And replace logo.svg with your new file name
- Save the file and refresh the browser window to see the changes

Changing Header Background Image

- Edit and save the image file in the images folder
- Open for editing css/styles.css
- Find the Header section and the following lines of code:

.header {
	background: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)), url('../images/header-background.jpg') center center no-repeat;
	background-size: cover;

- And replace header-background.jpg with your own file name
- Save the file and refresh the browser window to see the changes

Changing The Background Image Of Details section

- Edit and save the image file in the images folder
- Open for editing css/styles.css
- Find the section Details 1
- Here focus on the following lines:

.accordion .area-1 {
	height: 27rem;
	background: url('../images/details-1-background.jpg') center center no-repeat;
	background-size: cover;

- And replace details-1-background.jpg with your own file name
- For optimum results with the least amount of work I recommend using the same image size as the original in Live Preview
- Save the file and refresh the browser window to see the changes
- The same goes for Details 2 section
- Only this time you focus on the following lines
.tabs .area-2 {
	height: 27rem;
	background: url('../images/details-2-background.jpg') center center no-repeat;
	background-size: cover;


Font Awesome Icons

Aria uses Font Awesome icon font in many sections and elements.

To change one of the Font Awesome icons you can simply replace the classes that you'll find in index.html e.g. fa-binoculars, fa-list-alt, fa-chart-pie with the ones that you need from

Social Media Icons

To change social media icons in the Footer section of the template, you need to:
- Open index.html from the template folder
- Find the section Social Media in the Footer:
- And replace fa-facebook, fa-twitter, and so on... with the classes name that you need from in the Brand Icons section
- Also don't forget to replace href="#your-link" with the link to your social page or account

Social Media Tip

If you want to control the way the posts look like when you share the landing page on social media (Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn especially) don't forget to update the OG Meta Tags (OpenGraph) in the Head section of the index.html file.

<meta property="og:site_name" content="" /> <!-- website name -->
<meta property="og:site" content="" /> <!-- website link -->
<meta property="og:title" content=""/> <!-- title shown in the actual shared post -->
<meta property="og:description" content="" /> <!-- description shown in the actual shared post -->
<meta property="og:image" content="" /> <!-- image link, make sure it's jpg -->
<meta property="og:url" content="" /> <!-- where do you want your post to link to -->
<meta property="og:type" content="article" />

You can check out this article courtesy of Engage Interactive


To receive emails with data from your visitors simply change the line $EmailTo = "[email protected]"; to your email address in the php folder in the following files:

  • callmeform-process.php
  • contactform-process.php
  • privacy-process.php

Attention:The script only runs online (on a liver server with PHP support) so the forms will not work while the landing page is offline on your hard-drive

If you want to change input fields names, you will need to update them accordingly in the following files:

  • index.html, scripts.js and the php file from the php folder.

Setup A Redirect Page On Form Submit

To setup a redirect to a thank you page on form submit, you need to:
- Open js/scripts.js inside the template folder
- Find the following block of code in the form section

function cformSuccess() {
	csubmitMSG(true, "Message Submitted!")

- And change it to:
function cformSuccess() {
	window.location.href = "";

- And replace inside the quotes with your link


The Projects section uses Isotope plugin which can be configured as described here

Adding A New Project

To add a new project in the projects section, you need to:
- Open for editing index.html and find the Projects section
- Here focus on the code area just below

<div class="grid">

- You can copy the following piece of code:
<div class="element-item development">
	<a class="popup-with-move-anim" href="#project-1"><div class="element-item-overlay"><span>Online Banking</span></div><img src="images/project-1.jpg" alt="alternative"></a>

- And paste it wherever you want your project to be in the Show All order
- Now replace the name and the image as per your requirements
- Also add it to a designated category. Now it's set for development as you can see from the code but you can change it to any category you define

Adding A New Category

To add a new project category in the projects section, you need to:
- Open for editing index.html and find the Projects section
- Here in the Filter section duplicate a line like the one below:

<a class="button" data-filter=".development"><span>DEVELOPMENT</span></a>

- And replace the word "development" in both locations with your category name
- Then also add it to the project line below
<div class="element-item development">

- By replacing "development" with your category name


Because of limited resources at this point I am not able to provide support for free items but don't hesitate to send your questions at [email protected] and I will try to help and at least point you in the right direction.